Sábado Junho 01 , 2024
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Maquete dos Centros TecnológicosLivro: Cenários e Obstáculos para a Reforma EducacionalReunião com empresários e pesquisadores para implantação dos Centros TecnológicosReunião com a equipe do programa de iniciação científica para o Ensino FundamentalCentros TecnológicosProjeto Leitura em Foco - Teatro PopularProjeto Leitura em Foco - Teatro PopularProjeto Leitura em Foco - Teatro PopularMissão de Estudos ao EUAMissão de Estudos à CoréiaMissão de Estudos à CoréiaMissão de Estudos à CoréiaMissão de Estudos à ColômbiaLivro: Solidariedade do ConhecimentoLivro: Você Pode Fazer a Reforma EducacionalLançamento: Livraria da TravessaCláudio Mendonça e Mauricio de SouzaCapítulo sobre Educação - Autor: Claudio MendonçaAffonso Romano de Sant'annaCom deputado Hugo Leal e Ministro Paim. Luta por nova escola técnica em São Gonçalo.Ao lado do deputado Hugo Leal, debatendo democracia digitalAIESECSenador Cristovam BuarqueHugo Vox Popoli

Planejamento Estratégico


Leia mais: Planejamento Estratégico


Impact Evaluation of the U.S. Department of Education's Student Mentoring Program

Executive Summary

This report summarizes the findings from a national evaluation of mentoring programs funded under the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Student Mentoring Program. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requested that the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) within ED oversee an independent evaluation of the Student Mentoring Program. In 2005, ED contracted with Abt Associates and its team of subcontractors, Branch Associates, Moore and Associates, and the Center for Resource Management, to conduct the Impact Evaluation of Student Mentoring Programs. The impact evaluation used an experimental design in which students were randomly assigned to a treatment or control group. Thirty-two purposively selected School Mentoring Programs and 2,573 students took part in the evaluation, which estimated the impact of the programs over one school year on a range of student outcomes. The evaluation also describes the characteristics of the program and the mentors, and provides information about program delivery.

Read more.


Student Participation

Achieving universal enrollment in primary school, and high attendance among those enrolled, has been a major policy focus in developing countries for the last decade. There is now considerable evidence from randomized evaluations on the effectiveness of the different strategies that have been used to promote student participation. Parents are sensitive to the cost of school and even small subsidies can improve participation. But the most cost-effective approaches of those examined here are providing families with information about the higher wages earned by those who complete school, and addressing health problems such as intestinal worms and chronic anemia. So far there is little evidence that families vary their demand for schooling in response to education quality, such as more teacher attendance or a remedial curriculum, but this question has only been looked at over the shorter term.

Leia mais: Student Participation


Entrevista com a Ilona Becskeházy

Entrevista da diretora da Fundação Lemann para o G1. Ela faz severas críticas ao sistema educacional Brasileiro. Excelente reflexão.

Assista clicando aqui.


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Nossas vacilações levam a marca de nossa honradez; nossas certezas, a de nossa impostura. A desonestidade de um pensador se reconhece pela quantidade de idéias precisas que enuncia.
Emil Cioran


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